Getting the best retirement destination is one of the things you are desiring in your life. A good retirement destination will give you peace of mind as you spend most of your time doing the activities you love. Most of the high profile retirees consider making an island their retirement home since it is quieter and away from the busy world. St. Kitts is no exception and you can easily buy passport St. Kitts by investing. However, besides buying the passport, you need to put a number of things in mind so that you will know how to stay in St. Kitts. Here are those things which you need to keep in mind.
St. Kitts allows visa-free entry into the island if at all you are traveling from some countries. The total number of countries is 160 and if you come from those countries, you will get into St. Kitts without necessarily having a passport. You will be allowed to stay for about 90 days and later you can apply for a passport to continue staying in the place. Alternatively, you can leave the island and return. The number of times you can leave and get into the island is limited in a year so if you would wish to retire in the country, you need to make use of citizenship by investment.
ST Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by investment is one of the top ways through which one can become a citizen and there are many people who have become citizens of the island through this process.
In order for you to become a citizen, you need to purchase real estate or make a donation to a sugar foundation. If you purchase a certain property on the island, you need to own it for about five years before gaining citizenship.
Most of the items used in the island are imported meaning that the cost of living in the country is moderate. Most of the people retiring the country have realized that it has no taxes on the inheritances and capital gains. This makes it attractive. The people staying in the city are friendly and most of them use English as their language.
Depending on where you want to live, the range of rent is between $1000 to $1800 each month. Given that most of the products are imported, you can tell the products which are expensive and the ones which are not. For example, a milk gallon can cost $14 while food in a local restaurant can cost $10.
If you want to make St. Kitts your retirement home, you need to make a good budget and weigh the pros and cons. If you have a good budget and you can cope up with the cost of living, then make it your retirement home.
Living in St. Kitts is much easier now since you need to simply buy passport St. Kitts by investing. Grab the opportunity and make it your retirement home.